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Scope Stories: The Poem

Writer's picture: Jane Bond Jane Bond

Scope Stories

The Arian is systematic, subtle and subdued even when tempted, blatant and pursued. They see lying or hiding the obvious does them & others well but when it really matters, they will jump with the truth

The Taurean is grounded, gentle, and nourishing wherever love has abounded. Gently strict with the effort to predict the ability of one’s own self accomplishments with their self awareness.

The Geminian is double sided, double minded, yet incredibly real about the things they feel. They will generate a random story in famous glory they’ll remember longer than anyone else does.

The Cancerian is a natural mother but can bend your mind if they are the savage kind. They understand the critical things the most and they make outstanding hosts

The Leo is simply the Leo. The lion. The king. The Lion King. Majestic. Beautiful. Breathtaking. They make very littles mistakes. They will fight for us quietly & usually randomly.

The Virgoans will die, loving one person, for the sake of elusive inertia. They are the earth signs to know that the idea originated in Persia. They are usually professional in productions and organizing events or gathering people together spontaneously.

The Librans will not settle for less than cleaning up their own mess. They don’t like help. They don’t like terms. They hate hoarding and germs. They will tell us when to stop and when to go and somehow we listen to them. They have the gentlest sign in the Zodiac

The Scorpio/Scorpion is the most revered, most feared and most distrusted sign unless you have ascended enough to align with them. They are the rarest gem.

The Sagittarian won’t shoot if they don’t need to but when they do, they never miss

Ones’ betrayal will be sealed with a kiss

And oh how you will love the dainty fury of their lips with every smile, every gesture, every sip

The Capricorn will tolerate you until they tire of you but they will force you away passively until aggression is needed

They see to it that their warnings are heeded and they will scare you when they love you enough to

The Aquarian will invent ideas and expect their piers, their audience to accept them the first time. They don’t mind you if disagree but don’t dismiss it until you’ve tried it and possibly cried with it.

The Piscean will love you their own way

They will be righteously angry over important events unless they seek their ego. Then they do not relent over foolish material ideals that will pass away in its own time. You will always find antiques of memories and memories of antiques in their homes, remnants of where they once roamed.

God sat on his mighty throne to disown the devil as he nodded his bitter head briefly and reminded us that He told us so.

©️Akasha 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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