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True Twin Flame Telepathy

Content Confirmation

I found a new picture of my twin flame and if you look closely you can see that he has tattoos on his arms. It’s peeking out of his sleeve. Last year I wrote the kind of poetry that you haven’t read since Shakespeare and Poe, with a hint of Eminem, directly channeling dialogue with him for HOURS. I wrote one night for 8 straight hours with no breaks. That took me nearly 3 hours to proof read and edit. I had to take breaks. The method of writing is INTENSE. You can feel everything when you read it and probably some that you’re uncomfortable with because it activates a new realm in your mind. A realm that seeks out the unfiltered truth where the lies have been stored for eons. Eons is my word for Virgo season. It’s INCREDIBLE that what he told me nearly a year a half ago was CORRECT and that it’s just now been confirmed. Super hint- he always wore long sleeves to work. You have to hide tattoos at a place like that. It’s a prestigious hotel. True Twin Flame Telepathy is REAL AF. Don’t forget it. I may be Holy Sorcery now but who knows who I’ll be in the future & I’ll never stop being Twin Flame Telepathy. That IS what you know me for. I will share my entire twin flame story here soon, now that I've been able to grow past the obsession of WHO he is and WHEN or IF I'll ever see him again. Of course I will. He's me and he will be for eternity. We will cross paths again, in different time zones within the next 3 years. & as I finish this, it's 4;03 my time. His birthday is 4/3. You cannot make this up. Synchronicity is proof of magick. 

-A K A S H A 



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