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Flowers on Wood

Poetic Prophesy

Im here to reach you and teach you how to be psychic, how to create your own cards, how to open to your own poetic portals & how to make & keep your own poetic promises. 

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The Epoch of eons

I started writing when I was 9, three years after I started seeing my grandma's apparition. I wrote about a bride. I was copying the modern day hymnists when they wrote How Beautiful. It was such an amateur poem but it was my first poem. That poem enabled me to write what I write today. 

For example- 



The orbital spheres of previous years is occupied by celestial tears, induced by extraterrestrial fears that made their presence clear more than eons ago 

Eons are overused, misunderstood accused of malpractices that are often abused in the name of the greater good 

There’s no time like the present to do as we could, should, and would 

If we cannot do as we are asked when it is imperative, how are we going to do what we are told when the dice has been rolled, you can see who’s been naughty and nice, and we still give death the right to live

©️Holy Sorcery 2021 

To this day, this is my closest friend's favorite poem by me. Think about it, even death has the right to live and believe me, death wants that right almost more than we do. 

Keyboard and Mouse


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Please Visit Holy Sorcery's Youtube channel for more content! 

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