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The Pleaidian Path

Collectively Channeled Horoscopes

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The Missing Mother

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Everyone wants and needs a mother that’s filled with joy and disregards contempt. So many mothers and daughters hate each other because they’re jealous of each other instead of learning to take advantage of both sides of the situation for themselves and the benevolence of others.

If you aren’t your daughters best friend, then you’re her first hater. That’s no way to treat your daughter That’s no way to treat any of your children, as a mother or a father or one of ya’ll playing both. Become your own guru through Anandamayi Ma, the joy permeated mother. You are your own guru here but don’t feel left out. Anandamayi Ma understands your feelings as her own and pities you personally. She knows the higher self that never changes, therefore she is excellent throughout all time and space, exempting the best of the best as rewards for their handiwork and planting rewards near her favorite people and places.

The Mother of the Universe, Kali, is here to redefine letting go in a commercial setting that doesn’t welcome her. To face that in the sea of faces in places she never wants to see again, is so very brave. It takes commitment to forgive on that level of releasing.

The Queen of Heaven and Earth has nothing to hide of who she is. She sees and accepts all that she is without permission to. INANNA moves into a new time and era now with the freedom to create whatever enterprise she pleases. Yes, she is a reincarnated entity in a human body that can do things a human can’t do. Her identity remains confidential even to me.

Freyja asks us to consider using discernment strictly to evaluate ourselves as the divine feminine magick we are that’s reaching numbers globally without inflation. These are organic views, likes and comments, along with shares. Spending our time wisely would be prudent during this eclipse season. If we were searching for an answer, she only says yes when it’s a holy hell yes, very similar to holy sorcery. So what were you just thinking?  It remains with you. These are only computer screens that we can convey information to and through. We can’t and wouldn’t pick on your memories for a mockery of our unadulterated fun.

Yemoja is the goddess of all that flows. In my elemental readings last night, this was the message in all of them. Go with what flows. Don’t try to make something work that won’t unless you have a deeper motivation within you that causes you to fix things but that’s not always the answer and not the solution either. Gather your creative energy and give birth to something that will fulfill your secret cravings for a life you don’t even realize is yours to live.

Love is our lineage and gratitude is our religion in the face of no religion where we like it better that way. Love has won. Forever. Eternally. Or none of us would be breathing our own air. Love has always won even when the hatred is a global tragedy, turned pandemic because the sickness among them is so infected with hatred that it manifests as real sickness in the body which transfers to the atmosphere.

The false ego has got to go and it is as we speak of it. The false ego is commanded to surrender to the individual. Our egos are meant to be in service of our souls, even REMINDING us of our soul’s divine timing. Stop making it cliché. Start normalizing that divine timing is prewritten and preplanned by a higher power that is unseen until we reach the higher realms of birth and consciousness. There’s no room for impatience on the cosmos watch or its clock. When we alter time, we are experiencing the edges of space time continuum actually slowing down and stopping time altogether without a trace of how or why and certainly not whom. Playing meditations, lighting candles and charging crystals infused with pure intentions and converted by alien energy is all apart of gathering time in our minimal hands and setting it apart and away from the space time continuum so that some timelines never happen. It’s doable. It’s been done before and it’s needed again.

We needed a time dedicated to ourselves to understand the falling, failing details that originated in a space time continuum that no longer exists because it’s so old. That way, space and time aren’t altered into another state of being that we’re stuck in as humans. That’s why these Pleidian “aliens” (which is the word I’ve been given to use) are here to help us unwind, rewind, pause and remember them as they truly are. They ask of us to remember their benevolence to us when we were traded in as slaves or murdered for being one.

They ask of us to remember of the moments in THEIR space time continuum that connect us genetically.  We don’t just have demonic alien traces in our blood. We have history where the blood stems from and where it streams. It streams to the Garden of Eden and beyond those dimensions, like Narnia and lord of the rings where they make a career out of altering time or making it stop completely, momentarily. If the wheel of the world ever stopped for more than momentarily, it would stop completely and reincarnated cycles would be erased. The energy wouldn’t be there to maintain anymore. The Circle of Life would become The Circle of Death, how it originally was a descendant of a pivotal Bible story character and the curse laid upon him would mark him until he opened the portals of heavens with this poetry. Poetry is the universes way of communicating with is besides numbers. Put numbers and poetry together and there happens to be a reality that was uniquely created to speak in coded tongues.

We will need pure strength to pull through this, and it might make a scene but who the hell cares? There is no need to forge our way through this the way we have before. We give voice to our anger and honor it as a healthy emotion that shouldn’t be frowned upon and yet it is. Pure strength is fueled by anger and rage that pursue a mad rush of power they don’t want in exchange for the freedom others have been fooled into believing they don’t want. There are no fools here. There are no outcasts. There are no orphans. There are no prisoners because the guilty have fallen and the righteous have risen, dead and alive. We’ve got believers now.

-Holy Sorcery 2021

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