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Winter Snow

Memorial for T Winehouse

Some Souls Are Too Beautiful for This World

This is a memorial page for Thomas Winehouse. February 27, 1999- February 20, 2022. 

Sunrise over Mountains

Our Story

I met Thomas Winehouse in Spring 2020. He was the closest match to me energetically and platonically. He represented the little brother I never had. He was so impressed with my work that he was convinced I am a Shakespearean reincarnation for my era. So many agree with him. His Pisces sun went with my Virgo rising. Astrology is real. It impacts us in ways we'd never think of and Tommy knew that. We had so many goals we wanted to reach but his emotional pain was too much for him to bear alone. He wouldn't want me to feel guilty over something he had already set in his mind to do. He would want me to move forward with purpose to fulfill my destiny and as I do that, I will make SURE that his legacy never dies. Some souls are just too beautiful for this world. 

Please Visit Holy Sorcery's Youtube channel for more content! 

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