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Channeling for Charlie Presents 

Twin Flame Telepathy 

The Interpretation of Twin Flames 

What is twin flame telepathy? Twin flame telepathy is activated by the presence of your twin flame, most often the event of meeting them. You are then able to hear others thoughts, pick up on their ideas, transmit their actions and even interfere if you don't believe in karma. 


I've had experience with telepathy where I could hear the persons thoughts & on multiple occasions from different people. I've also had experiences switching dimensions that others were conscious of me doing because I took them with me and activated them. 


Channeling for Charlie is an old username when I was twin flame crazy over THE Charlie in the industry. I'm bringing back all my old usernames as titles because they were worth a million downloads before I knew that's what they were. 

I still channel for Charlie. I still channel for the dead and the alive. I still channel lengthy written readings like I always have. I do some videos now too. Head over to tiktok @holysorcery and check them out! Blessings. 

New Flowers

Holy Sorcery 

Holy Sorcery was the first name I was given when I was using a temporary name for my untitled business ventures in late 2016. It's basically a fancy way to say white/earth magick. 

Pink Blossom
Cherry Tree
Autumn Sky

Clairvoyant Clues 

When the 4 children leave their bodies to go to Narnia in the Chronicles of Narnia. Also deals with astral projection/ the astral realm. 

Energy is so real you can read it. You sense when something will work and when it wont. You might know things like a babys gender ahead of time. That's how I started out. I started predicting the gender and 9 times out of 10 I was right. That was 10 years ago. When something feels wrong, it's because it is. You dont need to prove  intuition. It proves itself. The same goes for when something feels right or you just KNOW the answer. We all GPS it. We just don't all press start. 


ClairvoyantClues was the first name I used as the IG account I have today with a growing following. It was a poetry account I used as practitioner/ tarot account for a few years. Now I'm mixing them. Predictive Poetry. I make predictions poetically. So, the account has come full circle as such, putting its foot through a unique door not one person has opened before. 

Please Visit Holy Sorcery's Youtube channel for more content! 

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