Hi! I’m an old admin & title creator of Rising Stars. I’m here to present our new link thru my website,
https://www.holysorcery.com/rising-stars-publishing. I represent Rising Stars as the new e cover designer and moderator, admin & author, along with whatever else Patrick D Read needs my help with. I have a strong audience on Instagram & TikTok, mainly Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/holysorcery/. You can also visit my twitter @ https://mobile.twitter.com/holysorcery where most of my ideas begin. I write everything on Twitter then I professionalize it critically before it gets to Instagram/YouTube/ my website, https://www.holysorcery.com. This is what makes me a good web designer/ e cover designer. I also have the tools to make it sparkle or shine or however you like it that I didn’t have in 2016 when we founded Rising Stars as Rising Stars Publishing. I look forward to working with you!