Preshadow Period
I've been finding old pics and messages/texts from 2020 during this Mercury preshadow period. As they often say, the preshadow is worse than the retrograde which is accurate from any point of view. It's me versus you during a retrograde season for too many unreal reasons that provide shade in the heat of the transit.
Whatever you do, don't quit. Aquarius will still be heavily lit. I would know; I am an Aquarius sun in various ways. I am a Virgo rising for the required amount of enterprising. I am a Virgo/Libra moon cusp. Don't believe in cusps? Don't have to. That's up to you. Study science and get back to me if you still don't see what I do. Then we will determine if and when it is or isn't true.
Keep holding on. We'll make it through, even when the others are gone and I can't find you. The dusty hue of reliance is the defiance to do rather than don't. Will or won't. Can or can't. Sometimes it comes down to finding the right dress pants.
We should commend the ants on their job well done in leading a sober sample of an example on what to do & just how to do it when we must face the ultimate disgrace of intrusion under the canopy of confusion and immorality among the human race. Tis a confused race against time in a huge waste of time, inflicting infused injustice amid the mortal wasteland that is never touched by the upper hand. United we stand?
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