Nancy Drew
Synchronicity doesn’t end. It just merges into more synchronicity. There is nothing false about synchronicity. It’s open & obvious. It doesn’t need to pretend. It is defended by its own energy. Nothing beats the truth in a world of lies especially when the truth cries because it knows it’s hard to hear & people hate it unfairly & unrighteously. Borderline imposters that we’re both born into foster care when neither of us were there so that answers that.
With a baseball and a bat
Cant forget the hat
We had a buy a new bathroom mat that was flat. At least you’ll never be fat.
And that’s where it’s equally at.
That’s right. The futures bright. You just need to get past this. You don’t have to do it with alienated kiss that will turn into defiant kids you don’t want. What a giant pain the ass.
That’s why Catholics go to At least you’ll never be fat.
And that’s where it’s equally at.
That’s right. The futures bright. You just need to get past this. You don’t have to do it with alienated kiss that will turn into defiant kids you don’t want. What a giant pain the ass.
That’s why Catholics go to Mass.
I think I’ll pass.
Maybe you won’t one day.
They drink wine at church.
You don’t drink anymore.
I do sometimes.
What happened?
He sneaked into our room & stole the gun then gave it back to M before his interview.
He could have raped you
That’s unnecessary to even say so don’t get in my way.
You almost got in his.
I didn’t even hear him.
Quieter than you.
That’s hard to be.
It’s about time to make that call for the sake of us all. I know you’re shaking. It’s hard to walk when you only know how to crawl but you’ve got to tell someone who can talk to a higher power that can help you before April showers turn into May flowers.
It isn’t his place to be here. It’s ours.
Evict him.
If we can convict him.
You can do it yourself.
I don’t want to
You may have to
Go clear the foggy, frozen tears from the windshield wipers before you change their tired diapers.
You know how to get close to someone & get the job done ahead of time.
There are mountains to climb or rivers to cross that delivers us from true crime.
You can solve this. You are Nancy Drew
I look at you with reserved pride.
Well thank you for being on my side.
I’m always here with arms open wide. Im not looking to divulge or divide. I’m looking to unify the shyest one that isn’t already an uncomfortable pun that remains undignified until the day it knew it died.
At least it tried after all those times it was unfairly denied until the day it was finally, initially approved & was moved in a week. That is the peace you seek. Remain meek. Do your best not to speak a word to the indecent criminal. Peek into the past, present & foretold future to read the subliminal messages that are minimal to those who don’t believe in the seeds we planted before the beginning of time.
That was unseen & unheard of.
It still is but you passed the quiz & then the test.
Quite abruptly but was able to avoid passing it corruptly.
That takes character to pull through.
Disrespectful bills were immediately due.
Like you said, I’m Nancy Drew.
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