Empire: Holy Heels 👠
When I was wiping down shower walls & doors yesterday, in a pretty awkward position, I told myself I’m not doing this for the next 10-15 years. I’m going back to school because it’s essential, not because it’s cool.
I have never even been mildly interested in continuing my education because highschool was THAT bad for the sake of the missing experience I had but it’s a requirement if I want to get paid to do what I do in my time off. I was WISHING I was home writing when I was working & I wasn’t even doing the hard stuff. I was doing what I’m best at- what I could do in my sleep.
I’m so thankful for the job I can keep that I don’t dread going to but like someone I worked with in management once told me, I’m not a “fcking cleaning lady.” They were right. I’m an artist & this is what I was born to do. I’ll probably always clean my own toilets even when I can afford a maid, but I will need a personal gourmet chef because cooking pisses me off when it’s not looking or booking great deals on savory new ideas for meals.
I’m on a formerly expired empire’s heels 👠. I already know who I’m going to hire. I love how this feels.
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