THIS. Idk why but this feels like Columbine. I was 7 when Rachel Joy Scotts life was ended because she wouldn't deny God. This happened too close to home. I'm from Dallas. And one of my very best friends works 5 min from there. Do you understand that 14 children are no longer here? Do you understand that they are no longer breathing, laughing and playing? Do you understand that their parents will not sleep for the rest of their lives? Do you understand that these friends and relatives have to bury a part of them and an even deeper part of them died today. A part that can't be given back. It can't be replaced. And unfortunately the reality of these details must be faced. Do you understand that those parents will never cook dinner, watch TV, read a book, scroll through social media, or even wake up the same way again? Do you understand what the fuck happened today? Do you understand that those feelings of hopelessness and helplessness along with grief and the undying belief that it's somehow their fault, will never find relief regardless of how hard they pray? Do you understand that families were destroyed in broad daylight? Do you understand that they weren't given a chance to put up a fight? Do you understand that your school could be next? Say a prayer. Send a text.
Do you understand that communities are dead? Do you understand what lies ahead? Do you understand the critical criteria these people face now? Do you understand the traffic towards the tragedy at hand? This isn't over. There's more. No one's ever predicted it before.
Did you see the dead bodies all over the bloody floor? Did you witness the horror that those who survived did? Do you understand that those children were kids? Do you understand that this will never go away? Do you understand that there's nothing left to say for those affected by this? Do you understand that those children will never graduate highschool, get accepted to college, be bestowed with superior knowledge that surprised the last experience of their first kiss?
Do you understand that they will never accept someones hand in marriage or change the world with a grimacing glare that just stares a hole right through you until you can't fucking breathe?
Get right on your knees and get right with God right now before you can't find Him somehow.
©️ SG Herring 5/24/2022.
This was a truly heartbreaking tragedy. Very well written.