I had to delete my fb and ig posts about corruption that's going on by the Texas/Oklahoma border because my folks are afraid of retaliation. The landlord who rents town homes is helping a tenant cook drugs upstairs and has close ties to law enforcement. This landlord is forcingmy folks to pay rent for somewhere they can't live AND she called cps on them because they filed a police report about drugs being manufactured upstairs. You can't have a child in a home that smells like meth. And SHE had the nerve to call CPS on them because she was almostcaught for what would be a life sentence in federal prison. This ain't a bag of weed that can be paid off with a fine and a misdemeanor that no one will ever care about. This is life sentence worthy. My folks can't prove what she's doing and they can't afford a lawyer so I'mgoing to grab my son and end this investigation. Then I'm going to help the feds put her and this criminal she's sleeping with away for life without parole. My parents are good people. They don't deserve this. And I'm all they've got. I'm a master of my craft and a writer that picks useless words off the table and make them useful. I create spells with my poetry. The more it rhymes, the more power it has. Many incantations rhyme perfectly and they WORK. I'm summoning my entire spirit team for this one. I'm angry and insulted and somebody should be.So this btch is gonna believe in magick before all is said and done. The majesty of the most high God will overturn her debt collectors tables more than I would ever be able. God is technically ruthless in the defense of His children. Don't think for one second that He is to blasphemed. That's the one sin that there is no forgiveness for. I can say GD all day long but God knows the intention of my heart and that I'm still a sinner at the end of that day that longs for communion with her creator. I'm crying again. The corruption has to end. Good people are being harmed by other people who have the community deceived that they are upright. I haven't seen corruption like this since I went to jail over that freak that abused my right to speak. This is wrong on every level. But this is Saturn Rx and I'm about to dig my heels into rewards that are rich and real. The wicked will be handled. The righteous will be reimbursed. The corrupt will be unable to break the generational enchantment that has been mildly cursed. The righteous will see God. The wicked will see who the anti Christ really is. The righteous will be spared all because they cared about the things that really matter. The wickeds world's will shatter there will be nothing left to flatter when all is said is done. Not all that glitters is gold. It's time to rectify all the lies you've been told.
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