100 Rooms
I cleaned about 100 rooms this weekend from Friday to Sunday. Thankfully my workplace pays time and a half on those three days. I won’t announce how much I’m making but it’s pretty damn good for someone with no college education. I DO have over 11 years of cleaning experience and it shows. I found out I make more than someone my age who works there too. I have 8 more years of experience than they do. Btw, cleaning AINT NO JOKE. How do you think your hotel rooms smell nice and fresh and look like newly built homes? WE do that. We work our ASSES off and our fingers to the damn bone. And we move FAST. I’ve received compliments on my work all in the first 5 days I’ve been there. I just went through a 40 hour training but it was worth it. Promotions are based on performance levels, not who’s friends with who and who favors who. We work together as a team until the rooms are done even if we don’t like who we’re working with. Literally 8/9-5 or later with 1 30 min break in between. Once you’re on a roll, you don’t wanna stop or you won’t wanna get started again. Also, bring earbuds. Get lost in the music while you make each room homey for those away from home. Listening to music makes the time go by twice to three times as fast. Before you know it, you’re done with your board and recoiling the vacuum cord to put back on the cart that goes in the linen closet at the end of the day, then you hand in your keys that open each room, clock out & do it all again for your next shift. Lots of people can’t find work or decent jobs to pay bills, let alone eat so this is a radical gift.
Best Western refused to hire me for the front desk & nit picked at my custodial skills. Marriott will eventually train me at the front desk & they have already expressed their delight in my work. BW doesn’t hold a candle to Marriott, however. Not everyone gets to train and then work with the head of housekeeping. Often new people train with an experienced room attendant. My boss told me I should be training the girls who tried to train me. I don’t half ass my work even when Im exhausted and THAT is what gets you noticed. That is what gets you a promotion. I was hired in 2 minutes. My references check out. Im not head of housekeeping but I’m excellent at what I do because I’ve survived things no one else should ever have to live through.
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